Monthly Archives: July 2010

The best introductory investing article I’ve read in ages

Ten Stock Market Myths that Just Won’t Die on the Wall Street Journal Digital Network.

Myth 8 is particularly important to novice investors:

8 “We recommend a diversified portfolio of mutual funds.”

If your broker means you should diversify across things like cash, bonds, stocks, alternative strategies, commodities and precious metals, then that’s good advice.

But too many brokers mean mutual funds with different names and “styles” like large-cap value, small-cap growth, midcap blend, international small-cap value, and so on. These are marketing gimmicks. There is, for example, no such thing as “midcap blend.” These funds are typically 100% invested all the time, and all in stocks. In this global economy even “international” offers less diversification than it did, because everything’s getting tied together.

Especially in light of this chestnut from Myth #9:

…the lion’s share of investment returns — for good or ill — has typically come from the asset classes (see No. 8, above) they’ve chosen rather than the individual investments.

Yonkers Residents — Bring your uncollected garbage to…

Teamsters Local 456 Legal Service Fund

160 North Central Avenue

Elmsford, NY 10523-1913

Telephone: (914) 592-6232‎

Also the address for the pension and benefit fund.

Bring all your garbage, especially the maggot-covered meat and the dog droppings to Teamsters Local 456 headquarters!

Believe me, they’d do it to you!